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"RacePro" version 1.1

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Yacht Race Results Management Program

This software is designed for all Yacht Clubs and Race Event or Regatta organizers. This DOS based software also runs in Windows 3.x and Win95. More details can be found after the screen sample.

screen shot

Une version adaptée partiellement en langue française est disponible. Toutes les instructions sur l'écran sont traduites déjà. S'il y en a la demande nous completerons la traduction (notes, imprimante, etc.)


Multiple features include:

  • "RACEPRO" is a race results management tool for regatta organizers. Results are based on TCF's (Time Correction Factors) and not time on distance. It is to be used therefore with handicapping systems such as CHS and CYA. "RACEPRO" will manage up to 12 races in a series, seven classes and twelve teams, and theoretically any number of entries up to 9999.
  • RESULTS are computed based on corrected time (elapsed time x TCF), then sorted and scored by Class and Fleet as per IYRU B2.2
  • IYRU (current 1996) scoring, low points, Appendix B2.2 is used. DNF (did not finish), DNS (did not start), DNC (did not compete), RET (retired), PMS (premature starter) and DSQ (disqualified) can be entered in lieu of finishing times.
  • PRINTING: The Entry List can be printed from "Yacht Details" - "List, Edit or Review", and all Results (Class, Fleet, Team and Total Corrected Times) from "Results on Screen" up to and including any Race Number in a Series. The last Race # will give "Final Results" if sorted by Class or Fleet Overall positions.
  • Note that the Sort Method used on screen will be used for the print-out. When sorted by class, special Class headers will be used. Epson and IBM type printers are supported, but may have to be preset to 12 cpi separately although the program attempts to do so. (Unregistered copies of the program do NOT HAVE ACCESS to the print routines.)
  • SORTING: by Sail Number, which is an alphanumeric entry, will give some strange results unless you use the Olympic system of three letters and five numerals, eg GBR12345, USA00067, systematically. All other sorting algorithms are fully functional.
  • TIE-BREAKS: as per IYRU are resolved by most number of Firsts, then Seconds, etc. If a tie remains it stands (try DEMO, results for Race #2, Class R1 and Fleet for an example). However, if the Sailing Instructions stipulate a break on Total Cumulated Corrected Time, the Results Screen gives a sorted list of Total Corrected Times. As of this writing, the Race Committee would have to apply any necessary changes manually.
  • All users get ten free evaluation sessions before minimal registration, which will include a "personalized" print header for your organization:

    Results courtesy of the Northern Arctic Yacht Club
RORC Yacht Clubs extending reciprocal privileges to the Royal Ocean Racing Club will receive a discount.


Downloading the software


This version has been thoroughly tested on the water (Antigua Classic Regatta, etc) but only experience from Yacht Clubs and other Regatta organizers will show difficulties that we have not found. We would appreciate feed back.

RACEPRO.ZIP (135 Kb) English language version.

RACEPROF.ZIP (135 Kb) Version adaptée partiellement en langue française.

IMPORTANT: This is a DOS utility, but will run under Windows 3.x and Windows 95 (™ Microsoft). We have not tested on other 32 bit platforms, but have not been advised of any difficulties.

INSTALLATION: Unzip to a floppy and run INSTALL.EXE Please do not edit any files, they are verified during runtime and the program will stop functioning or become inaccurate and unreliable.

HELP: Help notes are available when program is running.

You should carefully read the terms and conditions of the License before using this software.

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Revised: Monday, November 10, 1997Copyright © 1997 Stormy Weather SoftWare All rights reserved.