Tides version 2.28 to 2.32
These notes are "in lieu" of a Manual, more information is available by pressing <F1> while the software is running.General
THE PRUDENT MARINER WILL NEVER RELY ON ANY SINGLE AID TO NAVIGATION, and this program does not pretend to replace official Tide Tables required by law on vessels at sea.
The Author has taken every care in the preparation of this program but cannot under any circumstances be held accountable for any faults, errors or omissions. If you, the user, disagree, then please delete all the files that make up this program. This program is sold 'as is'. The user accepts complete and total liability and responsibility for the use of the Program, including such esoteric legalese terms as 'Indirect', 'Consequential', etc . . . If you end up hard on the putty, you can only keel-haul the Author if he was on board and swinging the lead at the time!IF YOU CANNOT AGREE TO THE ABOVE IN LETTER AND IN SPIRIT, DO NOT - REPEAT NOT - USE THIS PROGRAM.
ABBREVIATIONS USED:- <x> = the key to be pressed ft = Feet G.M.T = Greenwich Mean Time HH.mm = Hours and minutes HW = High Water L.S.T = Local Standard Time LW = Low Water m = meters No = Number Absolute accuracy in tidal predictions is mathematically impossible. Barometric pressure and onshore/offshore winds can provoke tidal height variance well in excess of one meter and no scientist can predict hurricanes, tsunamis etc. The length of the period of the stand or of the slack at either high or low water can introduce major uncertainties in time. However, some degree of reliability is obtainable. This pro- gram uses a new approach to rapid 'math crunching' and a strict minimum of harmonic data compatible with the needs of Mariners. The results obtained, when compared with published tidal predictions, rarely diverge by more than fifteen minutes during the slacks or by more than thirty centimeters (one foot) to Chart Datum, which can also occasionally be in doubt. A 'Root of Mean Square' analysis over several hundred twenty four hour periods, tends towards an accuracy within five minutes and five centimeters. Program limitations have, nevertheless, to be defined:-Tidal Range:-if this is less than approximately 0.5 meters (1.5 ft) this program may not attempt to give predictions.Shoal Waters and Estuaries:-are shown with notes (1), (2) and (3) after the Port name according to reliability, as sixth diurnal harmonics are not used and Shoal Water Effect can therefore increase. The practical implications for Mariners requiring at least 0.5 meters (1.5 ft) of water under their keel are negligible. Multiply the number in () by 10 cms (4 inches) for possible error.Meteorological conditions:-can and will make a mockery of any tidal prediction. 35 HectoPascals (Mb) or approximately 1 inch of barometric pressure will cause a difference of 31 cms (1 ft) in tidal height. Onshore/offshore winds, particularly in shoal waters, will create much greater divergences.Harmonic constants:-the availability and reliability of these data are complex subjects. If available, they can be formatted to this program relatively easily. However, some sets of constants can be relatively incomplete, in which case this program attempts to com- pensate for missing data. Other harmonic data may be derived from surveys lasting as little as just a day or so. More complete, up to date information is very often in existence but subject to copyright or other restrictions. No data known to be in doubt has been used here, but provision has been made for adding to, and customizing, the data files when desired and if possible. Please contact the Author for further information.Dates:-all are valid, but beyond the 20th and 21st centuries the simplicity of the astronomical calculations will lead to an error of possibly +/- 10 minutes per century. Note that for dates prior to 15 October 1582, please contact the Author and confirm your under- standing of the Gregorian Calendar.Help
Individual topics are covered by pressing F1 at any stage throughout the program. If there is more than one page, (or screen), of Help, you will be prompted to use the Page Up/Down arrows. The normal Up/Down arrows scroll the text one line at a time, and might prove more convenient for some Users. You will rarely need help: the instruction bars (Next-To- The-Bottom line of the screen) should be self-explanatory. After using Help, the program will return to exactly where you left off before requesting Help. General Topics are covered by using Help and Information in the Main Menu.Main Menu
- Use the Up/Down Arrows to put the highlight on the subject of your choice, then press <ENTER>, or - Press the first letter of the subject, then <ENTER> . . .Setup
Three languages are available: English, French and Spanish. The program will change to your new choice immediately after <ENTER>. There are three basic Setup modes:-MANUAL:Every time you start the program, you will be presented with the Main Menu with "Initialize..." highlighted. If you press <ENTER>, you will be prompted to confirm or modify the Date, the last Port you used, and the time difference between L.S.T. (Local Standard Time) and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time or UTC). If you use the Main Menu for other displays, the Program picks up the Port where you left off last time, sets the time to L.S.T and uses your computer's internal Date.AUTOMATIC:Every time you start the program, you will be presented with the Daily or Monthly Display (your choice), set to L.S.T and your computer's date, of the last Port you used before exiting the program the previous time you used it.SAME:Every time you start the program, you will be presented with the Daily or Monthly Display (your choice), set to your Computer's date, of a Port and Time difference that you have chosen. This option is appropriate if you wish the computer to start every time with your Homeport and Daylight Savings Time, or a specific Reference Port and GMT for example. In each instance, follow the instructions given on the next to the last line of the screen - normally <ENTER> to accept the value that is highlighted or the first letter of other options. Additional Help will be available (press F1) when you reach the points of selecting new ports or standard times. For both types of automatic starts you can choose between a Daily or Monthly display to appear immediately after the Program Title. Changing measurements between feet and meters, and the display between colour and black and white, will also take place immediately after you finally <ENTER>.Get New GMT/LST - Setup
Three "Times" are used in this Program:-G.M.T:Greenwich Mean Time (UTC, TU, Zulu, etc)L.S.T:Local Standard Time (this does NOT include Daylight Savings, Summer Time, etc which vary locally. Some almanacs call L.S.T "Meridian Time", "Zone Time" or "Legal Time".)DISPLAY Time:Each Display shows "G.M.T +/- HH.mm" and uses L.S.T. UNLESS you have requested modifications:- ==> If you have used "SETUP" to always start with the "SAME" Port, you were prompted to enter a Time Difference on L.S.T. This "SAME" modification will always be used until you run "SETUP" again, even if you exit the Program. ==> If you have used "INITIALIZE" for a New Date and Port or for the Monthly Display, and used <Any other key to modify>, you were prompted to enter a Time Difference which is valid for this session ONLY. It will NOT be retained when you exit the Program. The combination of these two modifications (Time Differences) is used to convert LOCAL Time to DISPLAY Time. Every time that you are prompted to press <Any other key to modify> the Time Difference you will be presented with a summary of the calculation, and will be able to re-modify it as you wish. Please pay particular attention to pluses and minuses. Times ahead of G.M.T (normally of East longitude) are positive (+), those behind G.M.T (for example, the Americas) are negative. Note that you do not have to type a "plus" as any number that is not preceded by a minus sign is automatically positive. If you wish the program to start systematically with a fixed time Difference on LOCAL time (Daylight savings, etc), press <D> if it is not already highlighted and type in, using minus if required, the difference from L.S.T that you want. When you are satisfied with the highlighted result, <ENTER>. If you wish to start systematically with LOCAL time, ensure that "<L>ocal" is highlighted; if it is not, type <L> or "0" (Zero).NOTE:-A fixed time difference (the <D>ifference on the screen now) will apply to ALL Ports used during the current session, but each time you initialize a new Port you will be given the opportunity to change the relationship between G.M.T and Local Standard Time, and further detailed help will be available.Daily Display
The display should be self-explanatory, (times of high and low waters - HW and LW - are given according to the GMT +/- below the graph), as should be the graph itself. Some areas of diurnal tides have a stand or periods of slack water that appear clearly on the graph, but which will not appear as a High or a Low unless there is a clear change in the tidal flow. This might differ from some published Tide Tables.MENU:-Next and Previous days need no explanation. Use the up/down arrows of your keyboard to select, then press <ENTER>. "Height at a given time" and "Time of a given height" will ask you to type then <ENTER> your request. If your request is very close to a period of slack water, the mathematical algorithms used may vary your request to avoid trouble with "rounding out". Once you have an answer, any key will put you back to the Menu. For the "Closest Tide" or for a "List of Heights between two times", please return to the Main Menu.
Monthly Display
This will really tell you how fast your computer is! A 486DX takes about one second, an older 286SX takes seven to twelve seconds. The graph might redraw itself a few times while it sorts out the scale. To scroll the table, use either Page Up/Page Down to jump about a week at a time, or the normal Up/Down arrows to scroll one day at a time. Pressing Left or Right Arrows will give you the previous or the next month. Pressing <F6> will take you to the facility allowing you to printout the Table, and further Help will be available. Note that this printout is not available in unregistered Programs.Monthly Listing
To accept displayed values just <ENTER>, to make any changes press <any other key>. If you choose to modify the Date, by pressing <any other key> then the Month, then the Year will appear in turn, each one prompting you with the last value used. Just <ENTER> to reuse the last value, or type in, then <ENTER> a new value. You will be advised if the computer cannot handle your input (for example if you attempt a thirteenth month!) After setting the date, if you want to change Ports, do not <ENTER>, press <any other key>, then type in the name of the Port you require. If the Port is in the same Region, the Program will find it, otherwise you will be prompted to search in the Regional lists. Further Help (F1) will be available when you get to the "File Service Menu".Print Monthly Tables
A printer with limited graphics capability is assumed in order to draw the boxes around the columns of the table. Daisy wheel type printers reproduce the data correctly, but can print some amazing boxes! If your printer is not on line, or is out of paper, an error message will appear; you can either correct the malfunction or press any key other than <ENTER> to return to the start of the print routine, then back to the Monthly Display.File Service
This facility is used from the Main Menu, Reference list . ., from Initialize New Port, and from Setup, Automatic.REGIONS:Select the Region you require by using the Up, Down, Left or Right arrows. Note that Spare, Custom and Private Regions will normally be "Not Available" if selected, as will be some regions in "Demonstration" programs. These are reserved for Customized versions of this program - please contact the Author. For convenience, some regions overlap. Example - "Gibraltar" appears in both the Mediterranean and Spain (Atlantic Coast). If you are not sure which region you should be searching in, please use "Select using Lat./Long - see below.PORTS:Select the Port you require by using the Up, Down, Left or Right arrows, then <ENTER>. If you change Port, you will be asked for confirmation before your selection takes place. For the sake of putting as many Ports as possible on one screen the longer names are truncated. The confirmation will give the full name, so this should not pose a problem. The spelling of Port names is somewhat aleatory. If an inter- nationally accepted name has been found, it is used; if not, the Author has based his choice on his own maritime experience, using local or anglicized choices. The Ports will appear in the order that they are found in the data files, normally alphabetic. However pressing <F9> will allow you the choice of resorting either by latitude or by longitude and then returning to alphabetic. (After <F9>, press <T> for lat., <G> for long or <A> for alphabetic). You can select the port from any sorted list by pressing <ENTER> and although each Port will display it's full name and Lat./Long on the next confirmation screen, precisions are sometimes included - "River entrance", "Muelle", etc., for the sake of clarity. Notes (1),(2) and (3) after a port name give some idea of accuracy - see "General"SELECT USING LAT/LONG:Select (Up/Down arrows) and <ENTER>, then press F1 again for detailed Help.MAIN MENU:Select and <ENTER> will return you to the Main Menu with no changes to your selected Region or Port.Port selection by Lat./Long
By default, the search will be for all other Ports within plus or minus 3 degrees from the position (to the nearest whole degree) of the Port you are currently using. Press <ENTER> twice. To modify the CENTER position of the search area, press any key other than <ENTER>, then type in the Lat./Long required.Example:-51N <ENTER> 7W <ENTER> Note that leading zeros are not required, nor are capital/upper case letters for N, South, e or west. Attempting to search for ports in inland areas could lead to surprises. The Gobi desert is not tidal (we think?) To modify the LIMITS of the search area, after setting the center, press any key other than <ENTER>, a number from 1 to 9 to replace the 3 degree default value, then <ENTER>. This is specially useful in areas with a high density of Reference Ports, try 1 or 2 degrees, or sparse areas (e.g. Antarctic), try up to 9 degrees.Ports found in Search Area
Use the up/down arrows (left/right if there is more than one column) until the highlight is on the Port you require, then <ENTER> You may also return to the Menu retaining your previous Port selection.Select a New Port
Use the Up/Down/Left Right arrows to put the highlight on the Port of your choice, then <ENTER>. You will be asked for confirmation and will therefore have the possibility to go back and reselect. <F9> allows you to sort the list by latitude or by longitude rather than alphabetically.Initialize New Port
Use the Up/Down/Left Right arrows to put the highlight on the Port of your choice, then <ENTER>. You will be asked for confirmation and will therefore have the possibility to go back and reselect. <F9> allows you to sort the list by latitude or by longitude rather than alphabetically. You will then have the possibility of accepting or modifying the difference between Local Standard Time and GMTInitialize Date and Port
To accept displayed values just <ENTER>, to make any changes press <any other key>. If you choose to modify the Date, by pressing <any other key> then the Day, then the Month, then the Year will appear in turn, each one prompting you with the last value used. Just <ENTER> to reuse the last value, or type in, then <ENTER> a new value. You will be advised if the computer cannot handle your input (for example if you attempt the 31st day of February!) After setting the date, if you want to change Ports, do not <ENTER>, press <any other key>, then type in the name of the Port you require. If the Port is in the same Region, the Program will find it, otherwise you will be prompted to search in the Regional lists. Further Help (F1) will be available when you get to the "File Service Menu". Note that the program will allow you some spelling mistakes. If you get the first half of the name nearly right, you may well be asked: "Exact name not found - do you require xxxxx ?". Accept by pressing <ENTER>, continue with any other key. For example, if you request "Saint ", you might be asked if "SAINT JO", then "SAINT JOHN", then "SAINT THOMAS" are what you need. Upper and Lower case letters are all the same for input to the program. As a last resort, you will be prompted to use only the first letter of the Port name. Again, press <ENTER> if the displayed name is the one you want, <any other key> to continue to search. Remember that these search options only apply to the Region you are currently in. After selecting the port, you will be asked about setting Local Time - further Help will be available by pressing <F1>.Heights in Meters or Heights in Feet at regular intervals
This facility will produce a list as follows:- Height:- 2.47 at:- 12.00 Height:- 2.51 at:- 12.05 /.... ..../ Height:- 4.93 at:- 14.00 after a request for tidal heights for every five minutes from Noon to 2 p.m. After entering the Start and End times for the list (use the 24 hour system, then a full stop/period, then the minutes if you need them) and the interval in Minutes between the heights, you will be asked for confirmation. You can at this point go back and change your input by pressing any key except <ENTER>. The list will appear in two columns: if there is not enough room on the first screen, you will be prompted to move down the list by pressing <ENTER>, which will also take you back to the Main Menu from the end of the list, or by pressingto move back up to Previous Pages. To change from Meters to Feet or vice versa, use Setup and Con- figuration in the Main Menu. To PRINT the list, press <F7> and follow the instructions. There is a limit of 256 Heights and Times which means that if you require a longer list - which can be viewed on the screen - to be printed, you will have to do it in more than one print job. However, as this would be a list of over 4 hours spaced every minute, or the whole day at less than 8 minute intervals, it should not be a problem. It will be produced on a maximum of three sheets of paper, and will pause for a new sheet between each one. Note that the heights in feet will be printed to two decimal places, which is definite overkill, but allows the same format as in meters.
Closest High/Low water
This facility produces the following, for example:- " High (3.57 Meters) at 09.03 " after a request for a time of 08.30 hours. Enter the time (24 hour system: Hours, then a full stop/period, then the minutes if you need them) closest to which you require the time of the nearest High or Low water. You can repeat this several times by pressing any key other than <ENTER>, until the screen is full. Pressing <ENTER> will return to the Main Menu.Installation
From ZIPped file:-Unzip to a new Directory/Folder e.g. "Tides", type in "Personal Code Number" as requested during first start up.From diskette:-Run "INSTALL.EXE" from the diskette and follow on screen instructions, inserting your "Personal Code Number" that came with the diskette when requested by the Install software, not later, when the program is running (as for ZIPped files). The Code Numbers are NOT the same.WINDOWS 95:In "Explorer" or "File Manager" make a shortcut to the "Tides.bat" file (see you Win95 documentation or Help files for how to do this) and set "Properties", "Program", "Advanced" to prevent this DOS based program from detecting Windows (you may follow the complete recommendation in Tech Note T11-97 below). The various screens should appear as follows:
We have included an icon as above, that can be installed using the "Change Icon" button as in the image above.TECH NOTE T11-97 (Video failure Win95, including Networking)
Important:- Although this note applies specifically to a very rare problem, the method described here is appropriate for smooth operation of the software in any Window 95 installation.Program: TIDES version 2.26Problem: possible system crash accessing monthly data page under Win95 Cause: Windows 95 erratic screen paging with certain video boards. This is a hardware, not a software, failure.WORKAROUND:1 - Make a shortcut to TIDES.BAT 2 - Open the Properties to the shortcut, and use "Apply"/"OK" for the following: a) Program: Run Maximized In Advanced: Prevent MSDos detecting Windows Suggest MSDos mode as necessary b) Memory: Set all boxes to Auto Check HMA c) Screen: Set to "Full Screen" and Initial Size to "25 lines" All else unchecked d) Misc.: All unchecked/Off except "Warn if still active" The above has been tested successfully under Win95/Microsoft Client LAN conditions using a video adapter that had been previously known to crash the software.Software Registration
ALL MESSAGES ON THIS SUBJECT WILL DISAPPEAR FOR EVER . . . unless you edit or otherwise modify any of the files. This program works very slowly off a floppy, so copy all the files to a Directory on your Hard Disk. Please note the program's Serial Number which is necessary for your Registration. After receipt of your payment you will be given a Personal Code Number which, after you have typed it in, will eliminate these messages. Programs sold via retailers, and therefore pre-paid, require you to type in the Code Number supplied in writing in the accompanying documentation, during the installation carried out by the INSTALL.EXE program. If you do not use the supplied INSTALL.EXE you will have to contact us AFTER installation for your personal code number. Only programs working directly off the original floppy disk can be pre-initialized, and this is not recommended, it is very slow. Note that Registration is limited to the use of one computer only; for multi-systems, please contact us.Error Message
Hopefully you will never see this section. However, if it does occur, please advise the Author, with a brief description of how things happened so that the error can be reproduced, then corrected. If you are a Registered User of the Program, an update will be sent to you if the Program has to be modified. Note that this offer does not apply to User Errors or Data Errors.Missing or Corrupt Data
Please contact us. If you are a Registered User, you may try re-Installing the Program from your floppy, and retyping your Personal Code Number. This Message should only appear if one or more files have been modified, edited or deleted, and is often a symptom of Software piracy. However this program may be used for trial purposes prior to Registration with no modifications to the original files. If you are experiencing difficulties during genuine trials, please contact us and advise us as to where you obtained your copy from. If your information leads to the conviction of any person under applicable copyright or other laws, we will be happy to supply you FREE REGISTRATION of this Program.Software Program message
This screen will only appear if you attempt to use this Program more than 10 times without typing in your Personal Code Number which will be given to you at the time that you register, or if certain Files are missing or have been edited or otherwise modified. If you are a Registered User please contact usCredits
This program is Copyright 1994 - 2002, Stormy Weather Software Ltd. It was written on an Amstrad 4286 SX 25 and a Grey Tech 486 DX 33, using Microsoft DOS 6.2, PC Tools Pro 9.0 from Central Point Software and Microsoft Basic. It has been updated on a GrayTech Pentium II 266 under Win950b. It was verified using tables published by the British Admiralty, the French SHOM and in other Almanacs using data from various nat- ional Hydrographic Services. Special recognition is extended to the Canadian Hydrographic Service, Ottawa and the Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sydney, B.C. Amstrad, Central Point Software, Grey Tech and Microsoft are Trademarks of their various corporate owners.