Web Pages and Your Site
Offering web services that enhance your communications, attract the greatest number of people to your core activities and ensure maximum exposure and interaction in this e-world.
A well designed web-site enables you to:
- have permanent advertising, information, activities, updates etc.
- use E-mail listings and updating of information
- receive business reservations, enquiries etc, including SECURE use of credit cards and other sensitive information
- have specific and/or other services covered
The mission of your web site is to interact and communicate
Your web site should be tailored to your user or customer base and their expectations, and meet your objectives by:
- Ease of use and 'friendliness'
- Optimization of your presentation of information
- Integration of your services
- Creation of a pleasing appearance so that your customers will return and bookmark your site
- Attraction and retention of the attention of the occasional visitor
We suggest that the following points will enable you to meet these goals.
- Your site must be cross browser compatible, and user friendly for the disabled. This is especially important for service organizations. High tech methods can be used, but be aware that some clients may have difficulty in obtaining the full advantages. At the very worst a page may not be legible to a client.
- It is important to be current. We will be happy to modify, update or expand your pages at any point in time. As technology advances, we will advise you on increasing the impact and effectiveness of your presentation.
- We offer bilingual capability in French and English, and a working knowledge of other languages.
- Initiating and maintaining coverage by search engines ensures maximum coverage and we offer this ongoing service so that your site will advertised on the search engines.
Practical details:
- Our fees are normally for the technical content of the HomePage(s) and vary according to content, particularly the Artwork involved.
- Typically, text only pages using simple technology are relatively inexpensive, hi-tech pages with multiple graphics, automated responses and animation cost more, but still remain affordable. We include all setup, maintenance and technical promotion. Sit back and judge the user impact.