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Real spam?

On 10 January, 2002, we started a correspondance with a senior person at RealNetworks, Inc., and suggested that their "free" player should be compared, as far as marketing/download methods were concerned, with acrobat reader™ - and as a "good point" (for Adobe) suggested he did a Google search for:

+realplayer +spam Results 1 - 10 of about 3,980
+"adobe reader" +spam Results 1 - 10 of about 180

That same day, 10 January 2002, we got the following "easy opt-out" response:

As to the spam issue, I don't disagree that many dislike what they have seen from us. However, these documents are historical, and do not indicate recent efforts we have made to address this issue, not to mention our future planning. We have, for instance, recently revised our e-mail system so that users can ask to get off our lists through a very clear and very automated web page. This has been extremely helpful for those receiving our e-mail and those who don't. And it may be good for you to know that there are a fair percentage of our users that WANT to hear from us. Given the complaints we have received over time, or seen on the web, we were pleasantly surprised to see such a positive reaction. This is not to eliminate the complaints from our thinking, but it does illustrate that this is not such a black and white issue as some would have you believe.

So we asked (10 January, 2002) some of our technical colleagues and friends, many of them responsible for abuse issues at ISPs around the world for _recent_ experiences with Real-spam that anyone might have had.

Here is a sample of the responses we recieved within the following forty eight hours (and they are still coming in a week later):

Amazingly, we did not get a single reply from a single IT professional (or anyone else) that had not been spammed by real in answer to our query "for _recent_ experiences with Real-spam that anyone might have had".

Surely, we asked the wrong question.

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January 17, 2002   Copyright © 2002
Stormy Weather SoftWare Ltd