LAN Setup SE
Reconfigure NetBIOS on Windows 98/ME
Follow these four easy steps to reconfigure your NetBIOS and protect your Windows system:
Install the NetBEUI protocol
Check whether NetBEUI Protocol is already installed:
- On the Windows task bar, click Start > Settings > Control Panel
- Double-click on the Network icon to open the Network window
- Click on the Configuration tab
- Scroll through the list of network components and verify NetBEUI is listed as an installed component
If NetBEUI is already installed, go to step two: Configure Hardware Adapter.
If not, install NetBEUI:
- Click Add on the Configuration tab in the Network window
- Select Protocol as the type of network component you want to install
- Click Add
- Select Microsoft as the Manufacturer in the Select Network Protocol window
- Select NetBEUI as the Network Protocol
- Click OK to install NetBEUI
- Click OK to close the Network window
You may be asked to insert your original Windows CD.
Configure Hardware Adapter
- On the Windows task bar, click Start > Settings > Control Panel
- Double-click on the Network icon to open the Network window
- Click on the Configuration tab
- Scroll through the list of network components to find all Hardware Adapter components.
- Select a Hardware Component from the list
- Click Properties
- Click on the Bindings tab
Hardware Adapter components are configured differently depending on your Internet connection. Find the applicable user group below to configure each Hardware Adapter component. To bind a component, check the box next to the component; to unbind a component, uncheck the box that appears next to the component.
Dial-Up Adapter users: If you do not have a LAN adapter in addition to your dial-up adapter, leave TCP/IP and NetBEUI bound to Dial-Up adapter. Unbind all other components (e.g. IPX/SPX transport protocol). If you do have a LAN adapter, see LAN user sections. Cable Modem or DSL users: Bind Network Adapter (NIC) to TCP/IP and NetBEUI. Unbind all other components(e.g. IPX/SPX transport protocol) LAN users who want to give all connected computers Internet access: Bind Network Adapter (NIC) to TCP/IP and NetBEUI. Unbind all other components(e.g. IPX/SPX transport protocol) LAN users who DO NOT want to give all computers Internet access (e.g. if you have young children): Bind Network Adapter to NetBEUI ONLY. Unbind TCP/IP and any other components (e.g. IPX/SPX transport protocol) Configure Network Transport Protocols
Re-Boot Your Computer System
- On the Windows task bar, click Start > Settings > Control Panel
- Double-click on the Network icon to open the Network window
- Click on the Configuration tab
- Scroll through the list of network components to find all the TCP/IP Protocols
- Select a TCP/IP Protocol from the list.
- Click Properties
- Click on the Bindings tab
- If a message box appears and warns you that it is better to set TCP/IP properties in each connection icon and that changing those of the adapter will override the per-connection settings, click OK. You do want to override all per-connection settings.
- Uncheck, or unbind all network components listed
- Click OK to close the TCP/IP Properties window
- Repeat steps 4 - 10 for each TCP/IP Protocol installed
- Click OK to close the Network window
Your computer must be re-booted for the reconfiguration to take effect. After re-booting, NetBIOS will be configured for maximum security.
Special Note for Comcast Users
If you find that you cannot connect to the Internet after editing the TCP/IP Properties:
- On the Windows task bar, click Start > Settings > Control Panel
- Double-click on the Network icon to open the Network window
- Click on the Configuration tab
- Select your TCP/IP Protocol from the list
- Click Properties
- Click on the Bindings tab
- Re-check, or re-bind the Client for Microsoft Networks
- Re-boot your computer
WARNING! Even after you've made this modification, you will not be completely secure against NetBIOS attacks. To be safe, you'll need to install and configure a firewall to block attacks against port 139, but to allow access to port 137 and port 138.
Configuration instructions for Windows XP
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