Stormy Weather SoftWare
Stormy Weather SoftWare
Systems consultant


From the photo album . . .

  Bequia 1994

Bequia 1994
Bequia 1994
Antigua 1994

Antigua Classic Week 1994

Wood.... (Picton, Oct 98 photo pna)

Concours d'élégance winner
Stormy's saloon
(photo Anderson)

Glandore, Ireland, 1993 (photo D. Lynch)

  1995  Bequia

Bequia 1995


Fastnet 1993 (photo John Maclay) ==>

Fastnet 1995
Antigua 1996

Antigua Classic week 1996

Bequia Regatta 1997

September '98, Lake Ontario

Photo Hart Rogers

Lake Ontario, 1998

Jean Wood photo
Antigua 1997

Antigua Classic week 1997

All photos by our good friend Tim Wright [E-mail] unless otherwise noted. He has an extensive Web Site at

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